Virtual getaway: 8 hidden wonders of Argentina to travel from home

Travel allows us to discover places, people and cultures. But these days, when it is not possible to move, pose the challenge of traveling without leaving home.

Entrepreneurs from around the world rely on technology to offer us different alternatives that make it possible to return to that place where we spent our best vacations, visit a famous museum that we never went to or find a destination for when everything happens.

"Today more than ever we understood the true meaning of being a digital community of those who love to travel: we stay at home to take care of each other, we cannot go out, but we can share experiences and dream about the next adventure, supporting local tourism", says Gabriel Franco, co-founder of Tripin Argentina, a local travel platform.

Among the different virtual tourism options, Franco focuses on the country and invites you to discover the eight hidden wonders of Argentina, through a 30-minute documentary video, the result of a 24-day trip, with 8 flights and more than 4,000 kilometers in a van, connecting with the deepest part of our land.

“For many years I had this idea in my head, from so much time and kilometers traveled knowing places. I was putting together a list of those where I had felt incredible energy, I wrote the script and last year I had the chance to do it. It is a dream come true and I hope it is inspiring, that motivates us to know the rhythm, the tradition and the beauty of the landscapes of our country”.

The answer on social networks

The video has already had more than 12,700 views on YouTube, but what continues to surprise the cofounder of Tripin Argentina -also creator of the viral video "I fall in love with Argentina a little more everyday"- are the responses of people in front of each photo of the different places shown there. “I am very moved by the messages and the energy that people transmit to us with each story we share. Solidarity, empathy, respect and commitment are in the DNA of the Argentine people. We chose to show eight, but I think that in Argentina there are 44 million wonders”, he says.

The 8 hidden wonders of Argentina

The documentary invites you to experience with all senses naturally imposing places, hidden treasures and far from traditional tourist sites. It begins with Tripin's team crossing the Quebrada de Humahuaca and entering the Jujuy puna, where the first hidden wonder is hidden: the Moon Valley in the town of Cusi Cusi. The tour continues through the Salta puna and reveals the imposing Cone of Arita, in the middle of the Arizaro Salt Flat. The next stop is Antofagasta de la Sierra, in Catamarca, where a surreal landscape forms, the Campo de Piedra Pómez, an extension of 18 km of petrified volcanic ash.

Half of the adventure finds them crossing the missionary jungle to reach the Saltos del Moconá, in the town of El Soberbio, an impressive geological fault of the Uruguay river, 2 miles long.

Along the way, they meet local artisans, native communities and other locals who share their experiences, traditions, gastronomic specialties and other of the best kept secrets of each region.

The second half of the journey transports them to the other end of the country: 15 km from the city of Ushuaia is the Esmeralda Lagoon, whose characteristic color is due to the sedimentation it drags when the thaw occurs. For its part, the province of Chubut reserves two places in this ranking. On the one hand, the aromatic and colorful Tulip Field framed by the Andes Mountains, in Trevelin. On the other, the Piedra Parada in Gualjaina, one of the largest volcanic calderas in the world, in the heart of the Patagonian steppe. To end the trip, they arrive in Malargüe, Mendoza, where they reveal the eighth hidden wonder: La Payunia, one of the regions with the highest concentration of volcanic cones on the planet.

To learn more about Tripin Argentina:, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Youtube.

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